Home Sweet Home
この家で眺める朝日が好きだと思う。差し込む光がとても優しいと感じる。なぜだろう静かなリビングも温かく思える。一人で居ても心安らぐ。帰るたびに無性に呟きたくなる、”I'm home”。
僕がピアノを弾いていると、後ろのソファに座り気持ちよさそうにうとうとしながらこちらを見ている彼女。あなたも歳を重ねたよねと思う。優しくなったんだろうね。ピアノを弾き終えテラスへ緑の空気を吸いに出ると、ついてきて足元で遊ぼうよって言い始める。ピアノの音色を静かに楽しんでいたお淑やかな魅力はどこ吹く風の人懐っこさ。日が暮れていくのを森と彼女と戯れ眺める。Home Sweet Home.
I think I like the morning sun that I see in this house. The light that comes in feels very gentle. I don't know why the quiet living room seems so warm. I feel at ease even when I am alone. Every time I come home, I want to whisper to myself, ‘I'm home’.
The upright piano that taught me the beauty of playing the piano. He is now an old man (or old lady?). I think of the years when I see the number of white keys that have sunk. Some keys are still out of tune, but when I play it, the tone makes me happy. I am moved by the sound I never forget.
As I play the piano, she sits on the sofa behind me, dozing off comfortably and looking at me. I think to this girl, ‘You've grown older, and You have become kinder, haven't you? When I finish playing the piano and go out to the terrace to breathe in the green air, she follows me and starts asking me to play by my feet. The ladylike charm that had been quietly enjoying the sound of the piano is now gone. I playfully watch the forest and her as the sun goes down.Home Sweet Home.
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